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Savuti is situated in the southwestern part of Chobe National Park. The word Savuti means “mystery,” and although it is part of Chobe, it offers an entirely different experience from the Chobe riverfront because it is drier. However, Savuti has the Savuti marsh which is fed by the Savuti channel. The channel was dry for almost 30 years due to tectonic plates movement and flooded again around 2011. Savuti offers a wide range of wildlife sightings including elephants, roan antelope, elephants, zebra, wildebeest and giraffe. There is even more variety when the channel is flowing and the marsh has water. Here regular sightings include water birds such as egret, pelicans, herons, geese, and jacanas. Water bucks, common reedbucks and red lechwes have also been spotted in the Savuti marsh when it had water. We offer camping trips to Savuti either as a stand-alone safari or as one of the destinations in a much longer safari itinerary. Other interesting sightings in Savuti include ancient rock paintings and a very old baobab tree.